Advanced Data Structures, RSA and Quantum Algorithms
Basic Info
Faculty Profile
Course Contents
Course Outcomes
Further Readings

Course Title:

Advanced Data Structures, RSA and Quantum Algorithms

Course Description:

The RSA cryptosystem relies on number-theoretic concepts, specifically the difficulty of factoring large composite numbers, which forms its security foundation. It uses two large prime numbers to generate public and private keys, ensuring encryption and decryption are computationally hard for attackers without the private key. Quantum computation, based on principles of quantum mechanics, introduces fundamental building blocks like superposition, entanglement, and quantum gates. Quantum algorithms, such as Shor’s algorithm, can efficiently factor large numbers, threatening RSA’s security. Unlike classical algorithms that rely on sequential steps, quantum algorithms exploit quantum parallelism and entanglement to solve certain problems exponentially faster, marking a significant shift in computational power.

Course instructional level:


Course Duration:

1-4 weeks
Hours: 42 Hrs

Course coordinator:

Dr. P.D. Belsare

Course coordinator's profile(s):

Dr. P. D. Belsare has teaching experience of 20 years. He has been teaching various subjects such as Quantum Computing, Mechanics, Semiconductors, Nanotechnology, Materials Science. He has more than 20 indexed journals in the field of Materials synthesis with good impact factor and 1 patent granted and two patents filed to his credit.

Course Contents:

Module/Topic name Sub-topic Duration
1. RSA Public Key Cryptography and Basics of Quantum Computing Introduction to Public Key Cryptography 9 hrs
Euclid's Algorithm and GCD
Extended Euclid Bezout Coefficients
RSA Cryptography
Quantum Physics Computing Basics
2. Quantum Computing: Qubits, Quantum Gate, Grover Search Algorithm Qubits and Super Positions 13 hrs
Unitary Operators and Reversible Computation
Multi Qubit Quantum States
Multi Qubit Quantum Gates
Quantum Parallelism
No Cloning Theorem
Bells Inequality Power of Entangled States
Grover Search Algorithm 12 hrs
3. Quantum Computing: Phase Estimation and Shor’s Algorithms Order Finding and Factoring
Order Finding on a Quantum Computer
FFT Basics of Complex Numbers and Roots of Unity
Discrete-Time Fourier Transforms
FFT Divide and Conquer Algorithm
Quantum Fourier Transform: Part 1
Quantum Fourier Transform: Part 2
4. B-Trees and Tries Introduction to B-Trees 8 hrs
Structure and Properties of B-Trees
Simple Example
Searching for a Key in a B-Tree
B-Tree Key Insertion Algorithm
B-Tree Key Deletion Algorithm
Tries: Basics
Suffix Tries
Generalized Suffix Tries
Ukkonen's Algorithm - Part 1
Ukkonen's Algorithm - Part 2
Concluding Remarks

Course Outcomes:

After completion of the course, the learner will be able to:
  • Explore how basic number-theoretic concepts are used to build the RSA crypto-system.
  • Examine the foundations of quantum computation and its basic building blocks.
  • Explore how quantum computers can be used to break the RSA cryptosystem.
  • Explore the differences between classical and quantum algorithms.