Battery Management System
Basic Info
Faculty Profile
Course Contents
Course Outcomes
Further Readings

Course Title:

Battery Management System

Course Description:

This course will provide with a firm foundation in lithium-ion cell terminology and function and in battery-management-system. The course discuss the purpose of each component in an equivalent-circuit model of a lithium-ion battery cell and how to determine their parameter values from lab-test data. The course will also cover how to use them to simulate cell behaviors under different load profiles and State the purpose for each component in an equivalent-circuit model. Knowledge about how to implement different state-of-charge estimation, state-of-health estimation methods and to evaluate their relative merits will also be given. The topics related to design of cell balancing systems and computation of remaining energy and available power for a battery pack will be covered. To summaries, this will extensively cover all the aspects of battery system used in electrical vehicle.

Course instructional level:


Course Duration:

3 Month
Hours: 50

Course coordinator:

Dr Sonali Rangari

Course coordinator's profile(s):

S. C. Rangari received the B.E. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Nagpur University of Maharashtra, in 2002 and the M.Tech and the Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Nagpur, Maharashtra, in 2008 and 2018, respectively. Since 2009, she has been with the Department of Electrical Engineering at Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management Nagpur, as an Assistant Professor. Her current interests include power electronics based drives, Electric Vehicle, distributed generation and control.

Course Contents:

Module/Topic name Sub-topic Duration (as per Coursera)
1. Introduction to battery-management systems 1a Battery Boot Camp 24 hours
1b How lithium-ion cells works
1c BMS sensing and high-voltage control
1d BMS design requirements
1e How are cells made? How can they fail?
2. Equivalent Circuit Cell Model Simulation 2a Defining an equivalent circuit model of a Li-ion cell. 27 hours
2b Identifying parameters of static model
2c Identifying parameters of dynamic model
2d Simulating battery pack in different configurations.
2e Co-simulating battery and electric-vehicle load.
2f Capstone project
3 Battery State-of-Charge (SOC) Estimation 3a The importance of a good SOC estimator 27 hours
3b Introducing the linear Kalman filter as a state estimator
3c Understand the linear Kalman filter
3d Cell SOC estimation using an extended Kalman filter
3e Cell SOC estimation using sigma point Kalman filter
3f Improving computational efficiency using the bar-delta method
3g Capstone project
4 Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation 4a How does lithium-ion cell health degrade 22 hours
4 b Total least square battery cell capacity estimation
4 c Simplifies total least squares battery cell estimates
4 d How to write code for the different total-capacity estimators
4 e A Kalman-filter approach to total capacity estimation
4f Capstone project
5 Battery Pack Balancing and Power Estimation 5 a. Passive balancing methods for battery packs 22 hours
5 b Active balancing methods for battery packs
5 c How to find available battery power using a simplified cell model
5 d How to find available battery power using a comprehensive cell model
5 e Future Battery-Management –System Algorithms
5f Capstone Project

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course, learner will be able to:
  • To discuss about the lithium-ion cell terminology and function in battery-management-system.
  • To obtain the equivalent-circuit model of a lithium-ion battery cell, determine their parameter values from lab-test data, and simulate cell behaviors under different load profiles.
  • To implement different state-of-charge estimation, state-of-health estimation methods and to evaluate their relative merits.
  • To design cell balancing systems and to compute remaining energy and available power for a battery pack.